Empowering and equipping youth to reach their full potential by remaining substance-free.
The Coalition
Student Leadership Team
Our youth are the heart and brains behind SRSLY. Our Student Leadership Team leads our coalition in planning fun events, creating positive community change, addressing destructive behaviors, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Their goal in planning those events, activities, and policies is to help youth and adults connect, develop skills, and build a stronger community.
Adult Community Team
We partner with adults from sectors across the community: schools, parents, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, religious organizations, businesses, civic or volunteer groups, youth-serving organizations, media, substance abuse organizations, and government.
Chelsea Hospital established a wellness foundation to support health promotion in each of the five towns that make up their service area, including Stockbridge. The foundation brought together leaders from various sectors to support each community to address four priority areas: eating better, moving more, connecting with others in healthy ways, and avoiding unhealthy substances.
From the beginning, Stockbridge leaders recognized the need to focus specifically on youth substance abuse prevention to maximize the impact and community benefits of their efforts.
Stockbridge looked to a nearby community with a flourishing coalition as a role model for success. In the neighboring town of Chelsea, the SRSLY coalition has been working to prevent youth substance abuse since 2008. Stockbridge leaders started working with SRSLY leaders to learn from their efforts. Because one of SRSLY’s strengths is its strong brand recognition and fun, positive feel, Stockbridge leaders decided to establish themselves as SRSLY Stockbridge in 2013.
We have big plans for our future and could use you on our team!
Community organization takes a team!
We are thankful for our partners: Chelsea Hospital, Stockbridge Community Schools, 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, Stockbridge Community Education, Village of Stockbridge Police, Stockbridge Library, Open Air Market of Stockbridge, Stockbridge Area Chamber of Commerce, & more.